Sunday, October 16, 2005

a true sacrifice of praise

today was the conclusion of our 2-day LSS held at the meralco theater. i just got home. i'm physically tired.. and my voice box is quite stressed out.. but i'm spiritually recharged again Ü and yes.. i think i am quite happy, thank God Ü

yesterday i learned a lot from the talks. and most of the things our speakers mentioned, i know i'll keep in my heart. but today, the one thing i won't forget is bro vic pestano's sharing. well, actually, i think what touched me most wasn't actually his talk on growth and transformation; but the fact that he went to the LSS to give the talk.

last friday, bro vic pestano's daughter (who studies in UST) was walking near the campus area with her friend, jeff. when two holduppers accosted them and asked for their valuables, his daughter immediately complied. her friend, however, did not. a struggle ensued between jeff and the criminals.. until one of the men drew his gun and shot jeff pointblank in the chest.. then finished him off by shooting him in the head. bro vic's daughter, thankfully, was not hurt physically by the assailants. but she was severely traumatized by what she witnessed. as of writing, she is confined at the hospital, undergoing treatment for minor physical injuries.. and of course, psychological trauma.

as bro vic was recounting what happened to his daughter, he was clearly distraught. i mean, yes, he was able to give his talk.. and he delivered it really well, too. but when he talked about his family's recent experience, he could not help but shed tears. it was very moving to hear this preacher open up to us about his fear for his family's safety.. his doubts.. his hurts and pains.. his raw emotions.

bro vic pestano is a great preacher. he delivers his talks really well - with a good combination of humor and substance. but today, i really appreciated him not as a preacher.. but as a fellow traveller who showed me how to walk the Christian walk. he is under a lot of pain. his family is undergoing a lot of trials. he had every right to cancel his talk. yet he came to preach to us. not so much with his words, this time.. but with his mere presence at the LSS: evidence of a clear and determined effort to say "yes" to the Lord.. to continue to serve God's people, regardless of the situation.

bro vic's commitment was a shining example to me.. and i'm sure to a lot more who are in ministry. serving the Lord will not always be easy. trials and difficulties may come. we may doubt.. we may fear.. we may not understand why certain things happen to us. but as bro vic said, "God is never wrong" - He knows what is best for us. and in the midst of the darkness, His Word.. His Love.. will always be there to give us Light.

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