Saturday, October 29, 2005

can angels cry?

saw this picture of a crying angel while browsing through some images at google. hmm. i wonder.. do angels ever cry? or are tears reserved only for us mortals?

if angels ever do cry, then what is the price of their tears? what would it take to make them cry? i doubt if they ever get their hearts broken - their 'loved ones' (if they ever have those) do not die, they do not have spouses or partners, and they never get sick. they are intelligent, powerful and strong. plus, they live in Heaven.. ministering to God, singing His praises forever! if i were an angel, what is there to ever be sad about?

but then again, if angels never shed tears, they would have missed a lot as well. they would never know how it feels to be comforted. they would never feel the bittersweet side of love - the uncertainty and risk of giving your heart to someone who may not take care of it. they would never understand the joy of being broken and then made whole.

if we had been angels. hmm. no.. i think i'd still choose to be the mere mortal that i am.

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