Saturday, October 29, 2005

fellow thinkers

i was browsing through some of the blogs here at blogspot. i was fortunate enough to find some that were really cool Ü

i particularly enjoyed visiting prozac E (by someone named mia - from UPLB). hey, call me biased towards UP grads like me.. but i liked her entries. they make lots of sense. original thoughts from a deep thinker. hmm. wish i knew her. she sounds like the kind of person i'd be friends with hehe Ü

then there's this blog, expectoRANTS. hehe. the entries are quite eclectic.. but all posts are fun Ü i enjoyed browsing through the short but witty essays. it's really fun to read original stuff from people who think, haha :p

geekspeak is a blog that mostly features cool new gadgets - for all those techies out there. anyway, it's interesting to visit.. if only to find out what's the latest in mp3 players, pc's and the like :p

on the other side of the spectrum, there's fr. bobby titco's blog, CRUMBS. he has daily reflections on gospel readings. some of his writings are deep.. and some are easily "digested".. but i find them all inspiring anyway Ü it's convenient to have your daily dose of inspiration just a click away, hehe.

the other links i included lead to some of my friends' blogs. like mine, they mostly include thoughts on everyday stuff Ü

hmm. i'll probably look around again later on.. perhaps i'll find other blogs of interest. and maybe get to meet fellow thinkers along the way :p

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