Saturday, October 08, 2005

bloody saturday

busy, busy, busy. well, this saturday's been the busiest i've ever had in a long time. woke up at around 8am (hehe.. i was able to sleep only at around 1am) then i had to rush to get ready for choir practice (which, by the way, is in faraway makati.. and starts at 9am). of course, my breakfast was not the least bit decent. thank goodness for "manong taho" who never fails to drop by st. paul's every saturday (thanks, too, france.. for the treat Ü)

come lunchtime, though, my stomach is craving for more than just taho. so i ate at adobo republic with friends lian and gina. thank God for such gal pals, too.. our conversation certainly was enlightening, to say the least. hmm. i really should spend more time with friends..

by 2pm i had to rush to UP to tutor my cousin for her math exam next week. it was an eventful drive, too.. 'coz what with the pouring rain and heavy traffic.. it took me more than an hour to get there. haha. good thing i had a heavy lunch.

4.30pm.. i went to the UP shopping center to buy some acetates for tomorrow's mass. rush, of course.. 'coz i had another tutee waiting for me near our house. great. i got to their place at around 4.45pm. i'm just really grateful that she's quite smart.. and does not really need too much supervision. makes my work a lot easier hehe Ü

around 6pm, i'm heading home.. finally! ate a light supper.. checked my email and logged in here. whew! what a day!

quite bloody.. but i'm really happy today Ü i had no time to feel bad or mope. maybe i could use more days like this..

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