Sunday, September 04, 2005

on lost combs

Combsomething very strange happened to me today. i woke up.. got ready to go to school.. got my bag.. reached in for my comb. hmm. not there. i looked for it on my dresser, on the dining table, the bathroom, living room and on my bed. it was not there. so i went back to my bag - emptied it of its contents - and still no sign of my comb. fumbled in my jeans pocket. nope, not there. went to get my pair of jeans from the other day. still no comb. augh.

needless to say, i went to school without my trusty comb. naturally i fixed my hair.. but by the time i got to work, my hair was all messed up again and i couldn't do much about it. so for the next 3 1/2 hours, i sat at the library, distributing report cards to parents who probably wondered who the heck was this teacher who didn't even know how to comb her hair properly. haha. and being the slightly OC person that i am.. i just had to get a new comb or else i'd go nuts.

after the PTA meeting was through, off to the shopping center i went. immediately, i went to the store to buy a new comb - a pinkish/lavender one with metallic teeth. feeling much better, i proceeded to do the other items on my "to do" list. i surfed the net for a while.. taught my cousin some elementary math.. met with my friend at chocolate kiss cafe.. chatted.. drove around campus a bit.. then eventually went home.

just as i was fumbling around my bag for the house keys, guess what my hand accidentally brought out? yup. my comb. the missing comb.. that all of a sudden was not missing anymore. in spite of the fact that i emptied all of my bag's contents on the table, as well as searched and re-searched all its the nooks and crannies at least 10 times.. my comb was there the entire time! (unless ghosts stole it first then placed it back in my bag just to play tricks on me).

it's odd how these silly little events can make me feel so much better. i lost my comb.. or rather, i *thought* i lost it. searched high and low.. looked for it everywhere a dozen times or more.. but failed to find it. but just when i practically gave up all hope of ever seeing it again, it shows up. at the most unexpected time.. and at the least likely of places: right where i left it. or rather, back at the place where i thought i lost it.

i've never really believed in omens a lot, but maybe this is a sign. perhaps my wishing powers are actually working. it is september, after all; and maybe.. just maybe.. more (happily) extraordinary things are bound to come my way.

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