Friday, November 04, 2005

a world of smiles

i just woke up from a very fitful sleep last night. my 6 hours of sleep were filled mostly with dreams of being chased, backed up into corners, or finding myself all alone in a place full of strangers and people who couldn't care any less. great. my halloween continues to haunt me, even in my supposed period of rest..

anyway, as soon as i got enough energy to get up from bed (you can imagine how tired i was - try "running" for an entire night, even if it were only in your dreams), i turned on the pc and went online. i looked for smiley images. well, why not? i don't have anything to cheer me up at the moment.. and smileys somehow make me believe that i have a bit of cheerfulness left in me Ü

i love smileys. well, actually, not just the smileys. i like all sorts of emoticons. smileys, frowny faces, evil grins, and yes, even the "sick to the stomach" ones :p i find them all entertaining.

i wonder what the world would be like if we could all just put on the kind of "emoticon" we want. say i want to be happy today. so i'll look for a nice bright yellow smiley and paste it on my face. or if i'm not feeling all too good, i'd just find my green "about to barf" smiley to tell people to give me some space.

i'd love it, too, if i could have some kind of "emotion dial" on me. it would have settings for all the different emotions: anger, peace, happiness, sympathy, sadness, thankfulness, etc. wouldn't it be nice if i could just switch on whatever emotion is most appropriate.. and toggle to another one afterwards?

hmm. i would love to be in a world of smiles. but more than that, i want to have a genuine smile on my face. i don't want just some plastic smiley cheerfulness.. i want the kind of smile, the kind of cheer i used to have just a couple of months ago. *sigh* guess i'll just have to work on finding the way back to smileyland again..

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