Tuesday, November 08, 2005

1 Corinthians 13

i got this from the website inhis.com, while searching for articles to place in our newsletter. it's a great source of comfort - to know that the Lord loves me unconditionally. yup.. He loves me in spite of who i am.. and sees not what i am right now, but what He can mold me to become Ü it's great to be loved by such an awesome God.. Ü


"I will love them freely..." (Hosea 14:4 NKJV). "Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son [to be] the propitiation for our sins" (1John 4:10).

Unconditional love! Sounds great, doesn't it? To love in spite of instead of spite.... Unconditional! Who can do this? How can I love this person who has ripped my heart into tiny bits of hate and resentment? Oh yes, I read and reread that lovely passage from 1 Corinthians 13 when I feel the anger and hate welling up. I have even made a poster of the NIV version of Verse 5: "[Love] keeps no record of wrongs" to keep me from dredging out the old woe-is-me's in times of anger.

Imagine my surprise when I finally discovered--with our Good Shepherd's prodding and in spite of my plodding--that this is a choice we make. Indeed, we can decide to be pleasant or unpleasant when we wake in the morning. It's the old "as-if" principle: I'll act as if I truly love this person, and before I know it, I do! It sneaks up on us.

Years ago I read the following: "I love you today, where you are and as you are. You do not have to be anything but what you are for me to love you. I love you now; not sometime when you are worthy, but today when you may need love most. I will not withhold my love, or withdraw it. There are no strings on my love, no price. I will not force it upon you when you are not ready. It is just there, freely offered, with both hands. Take what you want today. The more you take, the more there is. It is good if you can return love; but if you cannot today, that is all right too. Love is its own joy. Bless me by letting me love you today." Author Unknown.

There it is--unconditional, no strings attached, I love you as Jesus loves you. I love you because God first loved me. He loved me enough to forgive my sins, so how can I do less for you? Forgive me for not loving you! Forgive me for the wasted words and years when I could have held and upheld you and made both our lives easier. Love is so much easier, really. I mean the love that wants what is best for you and will help you with your life.

Now excuse me while I go bury the old heart at the foot of the Cross....

by: Patricia Nordman

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