Wednesday, November 02, 2005

i am a Christian too.. Ü

i visited my friend dennis' blog and browsed through some of his entries. i found this there, and really liked it :) not only does it cheer me up by a loadful; it's something i feel i can cling to when i'm in one of my "low" moments (that seem to be happening quite often again).

just sharing this with all of you guys who may be needing it, too.. Ü

(oh, and if you wanna view dennis' other entries, just visit his friendster blog at the link below)


I am a Christian.

It doesn't mean I am perfect. It means I am a sinner yet by grace through faith, my sins are all justified. My righteousness wasn't earned, it is a free gift, thus the word grace. My sins are forgiven, past, present and future. Yes, even my future sins. But that doesn't mean I am entitled to sin all I want since they are forgiven anyway. It just means that this is how my God loves me that He had to die on the cross for all my sins. And He loved me first, and that love empowered me to love Him back.

I am a Christian.

It doesn't mean I am religious. It means I have a relationship with God. And this relationship will forever be there, though the fellowship may not. Fellowship is a shared conviction, a shared commitment, a shared compassion. It is two people walking the sameroad, bearing the same load. Fellowship involves a vertical dimension with the Father and a horizontal dimension with fellow Christians. When I was in sin, this fellowship was cut, like a son who left his father. But when I returned, it is by His mercy and grace that I am accepted, forgiven of all my trasngressions, given the chance to start again in Him.

I am a Christian.

I will still mess up at times but He will fatihfully be there for me when I have learned my lesson pretty well. My God deserves nothing less than perfect, for He is a perfect God, yet in my imperfection, he found delight in me. And that humbles me and makes me run towards Him, against the tide of the world.

I am a Christian. And I am not ashamed to be one.


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