Monday, August 08, 2005


0019040621204301_tn"rain rain go away... come again another day... 'coz little children want to play..."

haha. yeah right. i never could relate to that children's chant. not even when i was a kid. i love ran. i love the pitter-patter of the water on the ground. i love the blue-grey color of the skies when they pour out the heavy drops. i love the cool, cleansing feeling of the rain as it falls on my head. ahh yes... i just love the rainy seasons... Ü

a lot of people hate the rain because they say it makes everything look gloomy. the skies are dark, it's cold and the streets are filled with muddy puddles. some people even get depressed when it rains. they say the clouds look ominous... the thunder and lightning are frightening... and the world feels like it's crying copious, i wont' argue with people who hate the ran. hey, to each his own, right? but if others feel sad *because* it rains, i on the other hand feel that most of the time, it rains because i am sad.

back in my elementary/high school days, i usually spent my time wandering about the campus by myself. i enjoyed the solitude... the quiet time alone with my thoughts. sometimes happy memories would come to mind. at times, funny incidents. but there are times when my mind would wander and think of sad, lonely thoughts... and i'd start feeling blue.

and then... most of the time... rain would fall from the sky. not too hard that i would be drenched. not too soft that it would not be noticed. just the gentle rain that softly caresses my face... as if to say, "i know how you feel... i'm here for you". and it didn't really matter if the clouds were dark and the wind was cold. somehow, the thought that the rain was there... it brought me comfort.

call me weird... but i've always felt there's a unique kind of beauty in melancholy. a bittersweet kind of beauty. like when you're impatiently counting the days 'til you see your beloved again. or when you give birth to your own offspring. or when you slowly learn to give your child wings to fly on his own.

there is joy in sadness. there is a ray of sunlight in the rain. and the sun's ray becomes even more beautiful because of the glistening raindrops that mirror its light Ü

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