Tuesday, September 12, 2006

sakura friends

i wish i could see a real cherry blossom. i've always loved looking at sakura trees. they're so dream-like. the flowers are so delicate.. fragile.. beautiful. it's as if the moment they fall from the branches, you have only a few seconds to appreciate their beauty before they die.

"the streets of the world are full of the walking wounded. there's no denying it" friend sanny told me that this morning in his friendster message. i'm one of them. but sometimes i feel like i don't wanna walk anymore. i just wanna lie down and forget about everything else. where's the beauty in being a "walking wounded" anyway? you're slow. you limp. you don't have enough energy to see anything beyond your pain. what's the point, right?!

"..most of the time i don't make sense at all. well, i'm what you see between the lines, i'm that space you just fail to read as always. i will never go away, i will always have that part." i don't know if that's meant to reassure me or not. but just the same, it did. hahaha. i gotta be grateful for my friends, at least. they freak me out (in a good way, A.. rizi!), they confuse me (ahem, ahem sanny), they make me feel better about myself (special mention to you ney :p) and they are areound whenever i need them (that's true about all my friends - esp bes lils). they make life very interesting (what with my weird pals oviler, xtin, carl, krol, etc.. oopss.. i forgot. almost all my friends are weird, hahaha).

anyway.. this from wikipedia:

The sakura has always been a symbol of ephemeral beauty in Japan and closely associated with samurai or bushi. Life was considered brief and beautiful, much like a cherry blossom. This theme remains alive today, seen often in pop culture (specifically manga and anime).

During World War II, the sakura served as a motivating symbol for the Japanese people. Japanese pilots would paint them on the sides of their planes before embarking on a suicide mission. A cherry blossom painted on the sides of the bomber symbolized the beauty and ephemerality of nature [1]. The government encouraged the people to believe that the souls of downed warriors were reincarnated in the blossoms.

hmm. life is short, all right. and maybe that's what makes it beautiful.. the knowledge that you don't have forever in this planet. the realization that your time here is limited.. and you have to squeeze in all the joy and happiness that you can into every second that you are breathing (without earning eternal damnation, that is.. hahaha :p)

the only problem is HOW to do that.

and that part, i haven't quite figured out. yet.

but i can wait. i have my crazy sakura friends to help me out.

life's still beautiful :)

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