Thursday, September 28, 2006

blackout diaries - part 1

ok, ok.. i know i said it would be *perfect* if classes got suspended today. but this.. well, this is quite ridiculous!

though really.. a part of me still is happy. why? well, see it's like this. i stopped myself from making *any* kind of rainwish for the past three weeks. that's because i wanted to save up all my rainwishing powers specifically for this day - the day after my bday. coz when i found out that i was supposed to go to work on my bday, i desperately wished that classes would get suspended the day after.. just so i could have my rest.. and have the "gimik day" i originally planned to have.

so like i said.. i reserved all my rainwishing powers just so i can "wish up a storm" that would suspend classes. and there it is. typhoon milenyo comes along and wreaks havoc on everybody. sheesh. i mean, sure, i'm glad my wishing powers worked.. but heck.. i didn't count on the storm being *this* bad! and no power, at that! how the heck am i supposed to update my blog, check my mail or even go on a gimmick if there's no power anywhere here in the metro?!? *sigh*

i think next year i'll avoid reserving any rainwishes for class suspension..

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