Monday, September 04, 2006

1000 cranes

have you ever heard the story of a thousand cranes? i heard of it two years ago from friend marti.. when he started folding 1000 paper cranes (mostly during math class, i think.. wahahaha). that sort of got me curious but i forgot about it after some time. that is, until i saw my student malou doing the exact same thing (though not in math class, hehehe)

so i asked her to teach me how to fold my own paper crane (yeah, i know.. it's really weird that it's only now i learned how to do that). here's the pic. haha. not exactly an art piece.. but hey.. it's pretty ok for a first try :)

so they say if you make 1000 paper cranes, you'd be granted a wish. hmmmmm. i could think of at least 5 good reasons for me to start folding now. then maybe before the month ends, my wish will come true.. *sigh* :) at least this is a comparatively safe method.. hahahahaha

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