Monday, September 11, 2006

dead yet alive

"Yeah and apathy grows quietly where rapture used to fly/Oh and promises and certainty have left love here to die/Won't you stay and don't let this one fall away/And I wanted you so much/Just like I do right now/I wanted us to be the one the poets write their books about/I wanted it to last/I wanted to grow old/But life got in the way"
- Sister Hazel

no, this isn't a picture of a dead leaf. i mean, sure, it looks dead. but it's not. this is actually a kallima butterfly (belonging to the family nymphalidae) - also called dead leaf butterflies.

isn't it weird how something that's so alive can seem so dead? conversely, it's also amazing how something that looks so dead can actually be very much alive.

hmm. maybe it is a matter of perspective. then again.. it's really difficult to get a proper perspective up close.

*sigh* time to step back and get some distance. waaaay more distance..

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