Saturday, December 31, 2005


december 31. the last day of 2005. tomorrow will be the start of a new year. a harbinger of what's in store for us in 2006. for most, the first day of the year symbolizes a new beginning. a chance to set things right.. to make new resolutions.. to look forward to better things. january 1st usually brings renewed hope.. and more opportunities for success and prosperity.

but for me, the last day of the year is just as important (if not *more* important) than the first. for while it is good to look to the future with hope and expectation, it is even more valuable to reflect on the blessings of the previous year. to learn from past mistakes. to reflect on the lessons of the year that was. and of course, to thank the Lord for His kindness, mercy and guidance for the whole of 2005.

so while i do look forward to the year ahead, i thank God for *everything* that's happened this 2005: the joys, the love and companionship, the friends and special people He sent my way.. and yes, even the trials, the heartaches, the mistakes and blunders that caused torrents of tears. i am grateful for all that He has allowed me to go through these past 365 days. invaluable lessons that continue to shape and mold me into the kind of person He wants me to be.

to all my friends and loved ones.. a great big THANKS to all of you Ü for your presence, for your company, for your words of wisdom, for your prayers and most of all, for your love, friendship and support. it is mostly for His gift of you that i thank the Lord Ü


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