Friday, December 09, 2005

0.5 > 0

"It's hard to pretend you love someone when you really don't but its harder to pretend you don't love someone when you really do."

that's one of the love quotes i found at Ü hmm. i'm not in love right now. well, at least, i don't think so :p (maybe i'm just in denial..?! hehehe) but i'm happy. *very* happy. hehe. the rain probably had something to do with it.. but i guess it's much more than that now. hmm.

for years, i've known i could somehow "see" into the future. not always, mind you. but there are moments when i just *know* that something's going to happen. i'm getting that feeling again right now. and i've been feeling that for the past week. hmm. something great.. something happy..

i'm keeping my fingers crossed.. :p

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