Friday, December 02, 2005

-23 and counting

only 23 more days 'til christmas. can't say i'm excited. i have not wrapped any presents.. have not bought anything for my friends/family - not even a greeting card. heck, i haven't even started writing my christmas list! hahahaha. procrastination to the max! or maybe i'm really just not in the mood. *sigh*

what happens between childhood and adulthood that causes christmases and birthdays to lose their magic, anyway? when i was small (ok, i'll reword that. "when i was smallER..") i really looked forward to the yuletide season. as early as october i'd start counting the days 'til christmas. i'd eagerly help in wrapping gifts.. and i'd be so, so excited that i'd find it hard to sleep properly during the last 3 days before christmas.

now, i still get sleepless nights (a lot more so!).. but it definitely isn't about getting all excited for christmas. huh. i wonder what happened. where is the spirit? where is the joy and love that the season is supposed to bring? where is the childhood innocence that looks expectantly and hopes for the best during christmas?

hmm. i hope i find my lost christmas spirit. the child inside me misses it so much..

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