Thursday, July 19, 2007

nasa de coco & other absurdities

i'm not fond of coconuts. actually, it's my least favorite nut (if i remember correctly, the coconut is NOT a fruit. it's a NUT. a giant nut, as the song goes, haha). however, i do like nata de coco (coconut gel, to those who are "more social" - mas sosyalin, ika nga, haha) and today, the nasaeans celebrated the virtues of this delectable food by holding the nasa de coco contest-turned-lunch-turned-bonding moment nyahaha :)

well, i really didn't get the chance to take pix earlier - absorbed as i was sampling the different nata de coco brands and colors :p but the pole dancer took lots of pix (what?!? not the virus?!?) so i guess i'll just wait for the uploaded pix, haha. sure was a fun (albeit weird) lunchtime today :p
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i still haven't finished apol's book about "why don't cats like to swim?" and other weird questions. i've been too busy to have the time to read it (still haven't checked them test papers. tsk tsk) but i'm itching to get back to it right now. it's good to know that other people come up with out-of-this-world questions, as well. it's even better to know that there are a couple of guys who are weird enough to actually try answering them nyahaha :p
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as for other absurdities. well, actually, there ain't much of those today :p tsk tsk. too bad. i had my usual 5.30-8.30pm class. i went home before that.. coz i was sooooo sleepy. i actually fell asleep when i arrived home at about 2.30pm. nyahaha. i don't know why, but i felt super-tired. considering that i didn't really do much (except eat nata de coco haha), that was odd.

now, i'm still kinda sleepy.. though i don't really think i can hit the sack anytime soon. my mind's too busy worrying about that darned ioste moderating thing tomorrow (which i still don't have the slightest idea about. grrrr) *sigh* oh well. que sera sera.

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