Saturday, July 07, 2007

inside out

there once was a bottle called klein
that had such a clever design
it would turn inside out
which created some doubt
when it came to decanting the wine

nyahaha. nerdy post for today, hehe. i spent the earlier part of my day browsing through a math book (ugh. i don't know why i did that. something probably turned me weirder than usual in my dream last night).. laughed at some hilarious math comic strips (tried looking for them in the net, too.. *unsuccessfully* tsk tsk. too bad. that spares YOU from reading them, hahaha).. and bumped into this really cool klein bottle illustration, hahaha.

moebius strips and klein bottles have always fascinated me. they're actually part of the reason why i became interested in math and physics. hahaha. i even used to dream that i lived in a world where such stuff were *normal* and usual. nyahahaha. soooo nerdy. and fascinating too.

hmm. wouldn't it be cool if WE could turn ourselves inside out? haha. no inside, no outside. just turning into ourselves. literally. wahahahaha. waaaay cool.

uhm. all right. enough of this for now. just read more on klein bottles here on this link :p

1 comment:

P.L. Frederick said...

My 96-year old grandmother used to say that as people get older, we get more like ourselves. Fascinating to think of the possibility of turning ourselves inside out... turning into ourselves. Thanks for the poetry.

I found your site when searching for blogs linking to Small and Big. Thanks so much for doing so. I've added Wanderer to my links page here. Glad I found your blog. I'll be back!

P.L. Frederick
Small and Big