Monday, July 16, 2007

i'm all about RANDOMNESS

"even a fool knows you can't touch the stars, but it doesn't stop a wise man from trying." - harry anderson

this post has *nothing* to do with the above quote, hahaha. i'm all about RANDOMNESS today.

random thread #1
i was walking around campus (just came from randi's stall and got myself a copy of the manga death: at death's door) when i saw a sort of strange sight. on the ground was this candy-wrapper with some chocolate bits inside. and it was surrounded by 3-4 birds all pecking at the sweet treat inside. like i said, it wasn't really a very strange sight. what's kinda weird are the thoughts (and questions) that popped to mind afterwards. here are some of them..

* how do birds know that the chocolate is sweeter (presumably better-tasting) than the flowers surrounding them?
* do they have parent birds who warn them about the "evils" of chocolate and diabetes?
* is diabetes and high cholesterol a problem for birds?
* will a bird get fat/obese if you feed it a steady diet of chocolate and candy? or will it die before that happens?
* can birds distinguish between different brands of chocolate? do they also eat dark chocolate?

uhmm. well, anyway. i discovered that part of what makes me "weird" is that i have sooooo many questions that most people don't even bother to ask themselves. let alone give a serious answer to hahaha :p the only people i know who are like this are the nasaeans, oviler, friends carl&xtine, soulmate sam, cousin domz and my dad. bwahahaha. oh well. no wonder i get along well with them all :D

random thread #2 - The place for myspace comments, glitters, graphics, backgrounds and codes

ha. i wish someone would say that to me today :( i feel like i need a *really big* hug right now. sigh. i'm just tired. physically and otherwise. i'm still not that ok (the colds are gone.. but now my digestive system doesn't seem to be working properly. grrrr). zee is quiet and i *hate* that. i haven't seen mama goose in a long time. i haven't been able to hang out with weird pals oviler & xtine. and my hectic schedule isn't helping. especially since it's stopping me from going to trinoma and watching HP5.

random thread #3 - The place for myspace comments, glitters, graphics, backgrounds and codes

no matter what i do, i just can't seem to cut it. oh.. i'm "good" in some ways. but i don't think anyone would mistake me for some "holy dude" haha. which kinda sucks.. coz part of the reason why i'm in a church community is so that i get to be "holier" right?! somehow, though.. i can't see myself growing angel wings and floating even a couple of inches above ground. heck.. phoelix is doing a better job floating (his wings are so tiny they're actually useless for flight).

i could actually claim this to be my own prayer, nyahahaha: - The place for myspace comments, glitters, graphics, backgrounds and codes

random thread #4 - The place for myspace comments, glitters, graphics, backgrounds and codes

somehow i attract weirdness. that's not really news to those who know me. it's just that lately, i seem to be a *blackhole* - literally drawing more and more weird stuff towards me. it's crazy.. and kinda strange how the number of people attune to my "freakuency" level is increasing hahaha. oh well. it's still cool :p

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