Sunday, July 15, 2007

looking down at my feet

does this pic look familiar? hahaha. yup, i know. i posted it already in my previous entry.
what can i say?! i like my shoes. bwahahahahahahahahaha >:p

no.. i do not have a foot fetish. haha. i just happened to be holding my camera while staring at my shoes.. so *click* and there it is :p

i'm bored. i find that happening a lot lately. i don't know why. maybe life bores me. which is kinda ironic. 'coz this semester is turning out to be a "killer sem" in more ways than one. i have such a hectic schedule - both in school and in our church community. the 15-unit high school load is fine. the additional 3-unit graduate class is also ok (i have only 8 students), in spite of its 5.30-8.30pm sked. but add to that the grade-level coordinator responsibility (for seniors, at that!).. that moderating stint at the IOSTE convention this week.. the curriculum revision presentation on wednesday.. the basic math skills pre/post test for college students (as requested by ma'am linda).. the ongoing choir practices.. formation seminars.. fellowship activities.. church services.. workers' retreat.. and fr suarez' healing mass at MoA.. and well, you have a picture of how i'll be spending my days these following weeks.

and yes, in spite of the *many* activities i have, I AM BORED.

which makes me think: perhaps boredom isn't brought about by the lack of things to do. maybe it's just that everything's so.. mechanical. i find my mind wandering a lot - thinking thoughts i'd rather not think about. wahahaha.

oh well. i guess that's mainly the reason for this blogpost. rambling takes away my boredom. and takes my mind off things i don't want to think about. for a while, at least..

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