Sunday, July 22, 2007

feeling bittersweet

i finished reading HP7 at exactly 4:17pm, july 22, 2007.

it's *definitely* a good read. well worth the number of hours i spent reading (and re-reading) the pages. well worth the P1000+ i spent for the book. and well worth the eyestrain i got for reading continually. well worth my lack of sleep (a mere 4 hours of sleep before serving at the mass, nyahaha!)

well, my insistence on finishing the book today was rewarded ΓΌ i just found out that we don't have classes tomorrow in diliman because of the state of the nation address. woohooo!! that means i can "goof off" the entire day tomorrow (that is, i can clean up my room, layout the newsletter, prepare my lesson plans and make an exam. i have quite a nerdy version of the term "goof off" huh?!)

i really enjoyed reading HP7.. and i think author rowling did a remarkable job tying up the loose ends and answering the myriad questions readers had after HP6. still, i can't help but feel a tinge of sadness, now that the series is officially over :( after all, i did follow the story from beginning to end. and now that i've read the last book.. it's just kinda sucks that there are no more upcoming tales to tell..

..unless i turn to fanfic or write my own, nyahaha :p

i don't care that the HP series is placed under the children's section. all i can say is

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