Sunday, July 08, 2007


(this is cousin em in the picture. she's a total riot. ergo, she's totally fun to hang out with. hahahahaha!)

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this sunday is a fun-day. literally. hahaha. i wasn't expecting much chance for gimmick and malling.. coz mom's still kinda woozy (tsk tsk.. that rhinovirus thing sure messes up people's skeds).. but the day turned out way better than ok :)

tita amy & tito efren treated us to lunch after the mass. it's an early anniversary celebration (30 years of married life on tuesday, 10 july, haha) for them. we ate at mann hann (the family's favorite hangout - next to mr. donut, bwahaha).. where dad took loads of pix :p

from there, we had coffee at another fave hangout - starbucks 4th floor :) cousin em and i had some bonding moments - along with soon-to-be-cousin-in-law/friend allan. basically, we talked about this soap opera thingy.. uhmm.. "which star are you from?" or something like that. actually, they were trying to let me in on the story.. which i totally could not relate to. but that didn't stop them from giving all the details and acting out the scenes. complete with dialogue. wahahaha. weird. mega-weird.

the family-bonding thing lasted so long.. that we all had an early dinner together, too. bwahaha. by 5.30pm we were trooping off to (meylin) pot & noodle to have supper.

so yeah. it sure was a "fun-niversary" hahaha. 30 years. wow. and my folks, nearly 32 years of married bliss. nyahahahahaha.

as for me.. uhm.. bwahahahahaha. well, so far i've had nearly 31 years of living bliss. guess that's enough for me right now, hahahaha.

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