Friday, April 20, 2007

tgif and tgif

hmmm. this has been another one of those really long days. actually, i feel like my "day" started last night, when i attended 07's graduation ball (held at the maynila ballroom, manila hotel). i wasn't planning to attend, actually.. i still wasn't feeling so well. but when i found out that few teachers would be going, i decided to drop by even for a short while.. something like a last send-off to the kids before we all part ways (awww..).

the graduation ball was fun. at least, i enjoyed watching my students getting all dolled up (and the guys with their anime-like hair!! sheesh, what's up with that?!?!) haha. the food was great (lots and lots and lots of food! and the waiters were so eager to deliver everything to our table, nyahaha). unfortunately, staying up late didn't do wonders for my cough :(

i was at school by 9.30am to attend the grade 8 deliberation. i ended up helping the grade 8 advisers with the cross-checking of records.. and encoding some grades for the sectioning. hahaha. i was having fun.. but by noon i wasn't so ok anymore. especially when i was forced to stay under the hot sun for more than half an hour, waiting for a cab :( grrrr. that was *not* fun at all.

no cabs were available, so i had to take the jeep.. ride the lrt/mrt.. and walk quite a distance before getting to my destination (late!! more than 30 mins late!! sheesh..). i was sweaty, hot (not the good kind :p), exhausted and irritated. and my feet were killing me. nyahahaha. i was definitely not looking my best. oh well..

it's good that i decided not to go to choir practice anymore. i mean, yeah, i suppose i *could* still go. but i doubt if i'd ever get rid of my cough before next month if ever i do, hahaha. after everything that's been happening, i'm sure i deserve a break. a break from everything!! wahahahaha! >:p

anyway, like i said, i was *really* tired. so as soon as i got home, i promptly fell asleep. hahaha. well, not really. i loaded up on nicktoons first (it's really good therapy for a tiring day :p). then i tweaked my blog's layout a bit.. and here i am, posting another entry.

all i can say for now is "thank god it's friday" hahaha. i wanna sleep the weekend off..

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