Friday, April 27, 2007

just a little bit more..

i took this picture this afternoon at starbucks pearl drive. this is one of my favorite views - a grey, rainy day observed from the comfort of a cozy cafe. though, to be honest, i'm thinking a bit more rain would make things better :p

it's a good omen. the rain, i mean. 'coz (as i told friend alexis) last night i dreamt i was walking along pearl drive, looking at the sky.. making a rainwish. it's been so long since i've actually wished for rain.. but in my dream, as soon as i did, the rain started to pour down. huge, heavy drops. and i was standing there, letting the rain soak me :p i was really quite disappointed when i woke up and found out i was just dreaming.

and then this happens. it actually rains!! hahaha. this is sooooo nice. so nice indeed.

it's true. no matter how tired i am.. no matter what i'm going through.. a little bit of rain *always* brightens up my day ΓΌ

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