Saturday, April 21, 2007



You scored 62 on the love life scale. Your love life revolves around your romantic partners. Whether you have a committed partnership, you're casually dating, or you're single without prospects, your love life concerns your romantic hopes and needs.

Your relatively high score indicates that the circumstances surrounding your love life are taking up a lot of your subconscious energy. Perhaps you're longing for a jumpstart, whether that means a new sweetheart or some quality time with your current partner. Or maybe you're experiencing some kind of change, and it is emotionally draining. For whatever reason, some aspect of your love life may be dissatisfying and this is making you preoccupied.

It's no wonder that most of the songs on the radio are about love — it's a complex, yet marvelous thing we are always trying to understand better. Take Beth, for example: She worked incredibly long hours, and blamed her nonexistent love life on this. While her friends offered to set her up, she always made the excuse that she didn't have time. The interesting thing was that Beth's performance at work was starting to slip. Even her boss suggested she take a bit of time off. Beth couldn't figure out what was happening, because she was actually very happy with her job, even though she could see from time to time that she might be taking her commitment to it a bit too far. What she didn't know was that her subconscious mind was actually worrying over her love life, specifically around her fears of betrayal. Her last relationship had ended with a nasty breakup that involved infidelity, and ever since Beth had immersed herself in her career to avoid facing her feelings about that betrayal. Though this issue affected other areas of Beth's life, she was particularly worried that she'd again be betrayed by a romantic partner. This fear was causing Beth to feel distracted at work, leading to mistakes that she'd never made in the past. By identifying that it was in fact her subconscious issues around betrayal that were taking up so much of her mental space, she found she was able to focus on and face up to this issue. Eventually, she found that she was able to work fewer hours and still excel at her job. She used her extra time to start pursuing a more fulfilling love life.

* * *

uhhm.. yeah, right. i just took this test two days ago and now i got a different result. waaaay different, hahaha :p well. still no surprises here.

i'm spending my weekend relaxing. and by that, i mean watching toons, lying in bed in an airconditioned room, not cooking, not ironing, not doing any household chores (except dealing with that pile of laundry - i like washing my clothes. i love water hahaha).

anyway. so yeah, maybe my subconscious is preoccupied with other stuff. well, that's where it belongs. in my subconscious. hahaha. i'm not thinking about this anymore. i'm just gonna do a bit more relaxing 'til i'm back to my old self.

1 comment:

DM said...

I told you you can go to to view episodes of Grey's! :p