Wednesday, April 25, 2007


it's sooooooooooooo hot outside i feel like melting!!

one thing that i really hate about summer is that the heat makes my eyes tire so easily. it isn't even afternoon yet and already my eyes are stinging really bad. makes me want to cry (literally) :(

my graduate class is turning out to be quite fun. it's nice to have teachers for students, hahaha. granted, they're all older than i am.. but they're all such dears :p makes it a lot easier for me to bear the 3.5 hour long lecture class.

in a while i'll be leaving the confines of this airconditioned room once more. *sigh* i hate that part. i hate to get out of my comfort zone. even if i know i have to. if i could avoid it, i would hahaha.

but i sort of psyched myself to get ready for new things.. new experiences.. new adventures. hence the graduate class, the new syllabus and the responsibility of being a senior GLC. lots of 'first times' to try out. and so far i'm doing all right. so yeah, i'm tired but feeling quite accomplished. and that's a good thing for me at the moment.

now if i could only will myself to totally get out of my comfort zone and slash my way out of some nasty tangles, *that* would really be an accomplishment..

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