Tuesday, September 16, 2008


i don't think anyone would describe me as being 'passionate' - after all, i am one of the most indifferent people i know. very few things interest me. or rather, very few things interest me *a lot* XP my only passions (if you can even call them that) in life are music, science and up until recently, writing.

don't get me wrong. i still love to write. the daily updates on this blog is a testament to that. but this isn't really *writing* for me - just a long (mostly unorganized) jotting down of my thoughts. not much regard for creativity, etc.

it's been more than a month since i've written anything for our church's newsletter. it's not that i'm "on strike" - i just can't find anything *godly* to write about. i tried composing an article the other day.. and it sounded so stilted that i gave up on it :(

i am getting more and more halfhearted (hmm.. oxymoron..?!) about so many things. i don't think it's so obvious.. but of course i know it.. and that really sucks. i'm not happy with the way things are going.. yet i don't know what i'm supposed to do.

i need my passion back. i need to be whole again.. :(
you're consuming me.. and i'm happy to be consumed..

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