Sunday, September 07, 2008

frog singing school

ok.. talk about another productive chat session with aliens, hahahaha!!! XP

i am actually feeling sick right now - i was originally planning to sit in front of my pc for an hour, at most. i was just going to encode my geom exam for tuesday. but then i saw sister lizzie online.. so of course i had to bug her, hahaha XP

anyway, i was able to enlist her help in coming up with a bonus item for the geom test. hahaha. that made my day. tsk. students be forewarned. i was *happy* while making the exam.. bwahahahaha.

then, lo and behold.. the virus went online too! and it's thanks to him that i found the song below. hahaha. yep.. it IS a song. a froggy frog song. hahahaha. it sounds like one that an alien might be amused with.. XD

by George Cooper

Twenty froggies went to school
Down beside a rushy pool;
Twenty little coats of green,
Twenty vests all white and clean.

"We must be on time," said they,
"First we study, then we play;
That is how we keep the rule,
When we froggies go to school."

Master Bullfrog, grave and stern,
Called the classes in their turn;
Taught them how to nobly strive,
Likewise how to leap and dive.

From his seat upon a log,
Showed them how to say, "Ker-chog!"
Also how to dodge a blow
From the sticks which bad boys throw.

Twenty froggies grew up fast;
Bullfrogs they became at last.
Not one dunce was in the lot,
Not one lesson they forgot.

Polished in a high degree,
As each froggie ought to be,
Now they sit on other logs,
Teaching other little frogs.

well, i'm a frog (i am *many* things - not just alien). and i do sing. so i guess i'm part of the frog singing school too bwahahaha. and in a way, i am sitting on my own little log.. passing on the er.. 'legacy' to poor little froggies that come my way hahahaha XP

this is so weird it's starting to sound cool.. hahahahaha..
i'm missing you, BF (that's bullfrog, haha) sooooo badly.. *sigh* when are you going to teach me again..?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks this really helped me a lot.

>Lisanna here :)