Wednesday, September 17, 2008

blue blooded

i am always fascinated every time i go to the lab to have a blood sample taken. i'm not really afraid of needles. i even enjoy looking at the vial slowly filling up with my dark crimson blood.. (umm.. is this post getting too vampiric or what..?!)

i think it fascinates me that my blood is red. i dunno. i usually imagine it to be green or blue or some other weird color. hahaha. i suppose i figured that since i'm an alien, my blood ought to be a different color.

i heard, though, that our blood really is blue. it only turns red once it oxidizes. er. i dunno know how true that piece of information is. still.. it's an interesting thought XP

*sigh* the september blues are catching up to me. i thought this year would be different. apparently, i thought wrong. again.. :(
why are you so intent on bleeding me dry..? :(

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