Saturday, November 17, 2007


whew. lots of stuff happened today. an early start and a late finish. really tiring.. but worth the exhaustion, haha.

had to wake up early for card-giving at school this morning. we advisers had to be there from 8-11am (hence, i had to miss choir prax, boo hoo). i was fine with that.. and it was nice to be able to talk to the parents to update them on their kids' status. admittedly, there were some scary/uncomfortable scenes then (i don't want to dwell too much on those).. but all in all, the card-giving went quite well.

12nn. i was off to lunch with my ex. i met up with him at chocolate kiss.. and the venue was packed. probably coz of the comicon held at the ground floor of bahay ng alumni. oh well. after a couple of minutes of waiting, we eventually got a table. thankfully, we hadn't passed out from hunger just yet, hehe :p

it was fun being able to talk to him again. we hadn't seen each other in.. what.. more than a year, i think?! haha.. na-miss ko rin pala siya :p we had a lot of catching up to do.. but being with him (for me, at least) felt natural. i thought i'd feel awkward.. or that i'd have to put up some kind of front. but no.. he was still easy to talk to. he's changed a lot (so have i).. but in a lot of ways, he's still the same guy i used to know. which is a source of (bittersweet) comfort, somewhat.

the stuff we talked about would probably bore you readers so i won't post them here hahaha :p i'll just say that i had fun today.. and i learned a lot of things, too - what i want (and don't want) in life.. how i've changed.. how i've stayed the same.. and how i can make myself better. i remembered who i used to be.. felt a bit sad.. then i remembered that i'm no longer that same person.. and felt glad. and i realized that i don't have to prove myself to anybody. that i am my own person.. and i don't have to convince anybody that i have worth. kung ayaw nilang maniwala, problema na nila 'yon.. :p

a trip down to memory lane sure works wonders for the spirit. it's definitely not something to be feared..

PS: tox, pag napabili ako bigla ng nintendo ds at nagsisi ako, sasakalin kita.. hahaha..

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