Saturday, November 24, 2007

back to love

hahaha. i'm back to reading short stories. this time it's stephen king's collection of dark tales "everything's eventual" :) i didn't realize how much i missed reading until i picked up the book earlier this afternoon. guess that's why the past months have left me feeling quite loopy. i didn't have my nose stuck in any book for the longest time!!! :p

so i guess i have the parlor to thank for getting me back on the reading track. see, this saturday was quite boring (as far as saturdays go, that is - weekends are usually fully booked in our case) - no formation classes to attend, no services, no empowerment seminar, no appointments, etc. it felt weird, having all that time and with nothing much to do. so i went to the parlor beside our house.. to have my long overdue haircut.

and well.. i didn't just have my hair cut. i had "the works" done on it. and because i knew that would take time, i made sure i was armed with a good book to read. hahaha. for the first time, i did not mind staying there in the parlor for more than 2 hours (sheesh.. i never even looked at the time!!).

i miss reading. i hope this gets me back on track, hahahahaha

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