Sunday, November 04, 2007

i hate pregnant pauses

"pregnant pause" : this is one of those weird english idioms that one is bound to encounter. it means "a particularly weighted or heavy pause" - hence the term "pregnant" :p

anyway, while i have to admit that pregnant women are interesting (well, to me, at least - they look kinda weird to me - especially the thin women with large watermelon-size bellies, hahaha!), *i do not ever want to be one of them.* EVER. nyahahaha.

and as for pauses? hate 'em. hate all kinds of pauses except vacations like sembreaks (which don't really count 'coz i keep myself busy doing fun stuff during breaks, nyahahaha) i hate waiting. oh, i *can* wait (goodness knows how many times i've waited.. and how long those effing "pauses" lasted!!).. but it doesn't mean that i have to like doing it.

oh well. it's kinda back to school tomorrow. registration and all that. *sigh* guess it's some kind of transition from sem break to second sem. still, i'm so not in the mood.. :(

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