Sunday, November 25, 2007

control freak

control freak: someone with a compulsive desire to exert control over situations and people

hahaha. i guess i am a control freak. i hate it when things happen that i don't have absolute control over. i always want to be sure of the outcome of events.. or at least have a backup plan (or a backup to the backup.. or something like that). if that's not the case, then i get all fidgety and antsy and stressed out. hahaha.

i'm trying to work on this, though. i mean, i *know* that there are bound to be stuff that i cannot control or predict. and i'm also aware that most of the time, life gives us surprises - both good and bad. i'm not thrilled about that.. but then again, that's one other thing i can't do anything about.

oh. and of all the things i have so little control over, the one that bugs me the most is.. ME. hahahahaha. yeah. irony of ironies.. the control freak cannot even control herself. sheesh. how weird is that?!?!?

wish it were as easy as not eating that yummy dessert..

You Are 84% Control Freak

You are a total control freak, yet you often feel out of control.
If your life isn't "perfect" - it really gets you down.... more than it should!

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