Wednesday, September 05, 2007


hmm. let's see.. today i was kept busy. this morning, i went to lto (aguinaldo branch) to register my car. it wasn't really as difficult a task as i expected (it's my first time to register all by myself). my only complaint was the heat and the long queue for the smoke emission test and evaluation. but even those were quite bearable.

i was done before lunch.. but i had this itching to keep wandering. i wasn't really in the mood to go home yet so i took my sweet time, haha. i went to gateway to window shop. i tried on some clothes.. bought lunch.. then headed home after about an hour and a half :p

before going home, i dropped off cousin almi's and my fabric at bro tayag's place. we need to have our new uniforms done by the end of the month, so i gave some instructions on what kinds of blouses he should make. (note: i managed to take some pix of the cute tops i tried on in the malls' fitting rooms, hehe. i asked bro fer to pattern a couple of uniforms after that.. :p)

i was able to rest a bit when i got home. but not too much.. 'coz by 4.30pm, we were off to megamall. sis tess treated us (mom, dad, me, tita vix and a couple of other friends) to early dinner at mann hann. it was her belated bday treat, and the food was good, yumyum :)

anyway. the healing mass service tonight was nice. fr dave concepcion was the mass celebrant. i like the way he delivers his homilies :) i'm glad he's our formator in the formation series. i learn a lot from him.

in spite of that, though, i'm not so cheered. i'm feeling quite like my garb today (as usual.. BLACK, hahaha). *sigh*

froggy isn't responding to my training anymore. rats. i have this sinking feeling that i'm the one who's being trained, and not the other way around.. :(

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