Sunday, September 23, 2007

it's not such a hidden message

cousin em asked me to help her out with her lit assignment last week. yeah, you read that right. it's her LITERATURE assignment. and i'm a math teacher. haha. still, i do what i can to help; so i discussed her report with her over starbucks coffee :p

her report is about what's called an "anti-novel." french writer nathalie sarraute was one of the proponents of this non-traditional form of literature (you can read more about it here) anyway, cousin em described to me what an anti-novel was.. and i kinda got excited about it. i made a deal with her - we should each write our own anti-novels and let each one guess what it's about.

sound geeky? well, i found it kinda fun. let's see if she deciphers the message in my piece.. :p

the clock goes tick-tock-tick-tock. the air conditioner hums. winter. salty water droplets. horses' hooves are thundering. they talk in whispers and then they laugh. leaves rustle with lightning speed. she enters.

eyes in unison. they follow her unquestioningly. a tornado hit! fire consumes each one from head to toe. blank. blank. blank. scritch scratch. everything's all wrong!!
he looks at her. her eyes see only white. lines.. and more lines. why all that incessant drumming?!

tick-tock-tick-tock. this is what a sickening afterglow feels like. she clears her throat. the cats stare at the oncoming headlights of the car. frantic shuffling. the pleas of the slaves are lost on their whip-lasher.

it's all over.

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