Monday, September 03, 2007

ten thousand eighty '

A bruise (medically referred to as a contusion) is caused when tiny blood vessels are damaged or broken as the result of a blow to the skin (be it bumping against something or hitting yourself with a hammer). The raised area of a bump or bruise results from blood leaking from these injured blood vessels into the tissues as well as from the body's response to the injury. A purplish, flat bruise that occurs when blood leaks out into the top layers of skin is referred to as an ecchymosis. (taken from one of those medical sites)

is it some kind of weird-looking nebula? an attempt at ube-leche flan gone bad? hahaha. nope. the pic i posted above is a shot of my bruised arm. grossed out? nyahahaha :p

i took a shot of my arm this afternoon 'cause a lot of people have been commenting on my large, unsightly bruise. frankly, i didn't expect it to look so.. er.. frightening. i hurt my arm exactly a week ago.. but at that time, there were no ugly discolorations or anything. just an aching bump on my arm. but now that my arm's not hurting anymore, that's when this nasty bruise shows up. weird huh?

anyway. i prefer bruises to scars. 'cause though bruises look scary, they don't hurt as much. they don't get infected. and when they're gone, there's practically no trace of them at all. unlike deep, bleeding wounds that leave nasty scars.

battered and bruised? or wounded and scarred?

not exactly what i'd call appealing choices..

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