Thursday, February 08, 2007

i love neil gaiman

there are quite a few things i learned from neil gaiman's sandman. most of which (quite literally) saved my life.

death kept me cheerful in a weird sort of way.
delirium showed me that some truths are "knowable".. except that they're too deeply hidden.
nuala helped me realize that sometimes loving someone is not enough.
and morpheus. well..
morpheus taught me the value of dreams - and how dangerous they can be.
he taught me a lot about change. and how sometimes you have to either change or die (according to lucien).
i also learned a thing or two about the inevitability of things. about love. about broken promises. about escape. about forgiveness. about courage. about grief. about moving on.
hmmm. and quite a lot more lessons, really. but i don't want to write them all down here.

the sandman is *not* just a wonderful story/comic book or a work of great art for me (though it is both). it's a peek into a reality i've always known.. even if only in that dark realm of dreams.

thanks, neil. i owe you much.

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