Saturday, July 05, 2008

what happens when you split your brain?

i dunno.. it seemed like an interesting question.. (check out the link to the site) and (being the curious cat that i am) i really want to find out the answer to it - hopefully without having to have surgery done on my head XP

but at any rate, most of the time i do feel as if my brain is split. not just into two parts, but sometimes into lots of smaller pieces. there are times when i'm thinking about something i want to do.. and then my mind thinks up reasons why i *shouldn't* do it.. and then a part of my brain agrees with it.. and another part argues against it.. and so on. nyahahaha. it's quite interesting, because a lot of times it feels like i'm an audience/spectator to the 'tiny people' living in my head.. hearing out what they're saying and trying to come up with a clear decision based on their input.

hahaha. i think i'm weirding myself out right now. must be because it's the first saturday in ages that i'm not doing much.. hehehe XP

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