Sunday, July 20, 2008


i don't personally know anyone who's good at hypnotizing people. or at least, i am not aware that i know of anyone. who knows.. maybe i personally know of someone.. but he/she hypnotized me into forgetting, haha XP

hmm. i wonder how hypnotic spells work, if ever they are real. could certain people *really* make others do their bidding simply by the power of suggestion? wow. i wish i could do that. hahaha.

but i bet it's not such fun being hypnotized. can you imagine being "forced" (i use the term lightly here.. but those who claim to be able to do hypnosis say you cannot really force someone to do something they do not want to do) into obeying when you're not 100% willing? i wonder if the hypnotized person can resist the suggestion.. or if resisting is even possible.

*sigh* this is such a mystery..
you *really* have me under your spell.. :(

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