Saturday, June 16, 2007

some day.. *sigh*

we had our first general PTA meeting for this schoolyear today. and we also had choir practice today. great. was forced to absent myself from prax.. *sigh* oh well.

anyway, the meeting was ok. parents had lots of questions about their kids' acads (as well as upcat concerns). so the 1.30pm ended at about 3.30pm. and then there was the general assembly (which i didn't really go to anymore - er, well, i *sort of* did.. coz i was still at school then). too hot inside the multi-purpose hall.

i did get to hang out with nasa peeps (and then some) though. at that fancy "arbor-thingy" near the foods lab. that's where i kept frantically looking over my shoulder to check for bugs (cockroaches, specifically). and where i took this pic. hahaha.

i got home before 6pm. and man, have i got a headache!! oh well. what a day :p gotta get some shuteye first..

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