Tuesday, June 05, 2007

her beautiful version

(thanx to angel grey for this nice illustration ü seriously, it's my favorite :p miss ya, didz..)

hmmm. this has been one heck of an adventurous day for me. it didn't start out that way, though. my day began routinely.. waking up an hour or so before i had to drive to school. it's registration time - and as adviser/grade level coordinator, i had to be there by 8am.

tsk tsk. my 'nasa advisees' do not belong to my section?!?!!! sheesh. that felt weird, all right. but that's fine. i figure that since i'm nasa adviser anyway, it doesn't matter. not that much, anyway. and besides, they're all still my students so they can't escape me, nyahaha >:p still, it kinda sucks.

i don't know what it is that tired me, though.. coz when i drove home afterwards, i was so exhausted, i fell asleep. i didn't even eat a decent lunch (well, that's mainly coz we were served a heavy merienda at school). but i woke up around 4.45pm.. just in time to freshen up and get ready to leave for prax.

cousin doms and i were off to makati by 5.30pm (haha.. i had to finish the spongebob episode :p). traffic was relatively light, so we got to prax around 6.15pm. it wasn't too boring - we practiced some new songs.. and had double quartets (though boss ran didn't call on everybody for that). and i brought along my copy of 'coraline' to read - so i'd have something to while away the time.

my adventure actually started on our way home from choir prax. besp heidi wasn't feeling well. she was dizzy and felt like throwing up. she was in no condition to drive. so it was decided that i'd drive her home.. with cousin doms following behind so i could go home with him afterwards.

but besp's condition was getting worse (she looked really pale.. and could hardly speak by then).. so boss ran, mamaliz, nans and i decided it would be best to bring her to the hospital ER to be sure she gets the proper medical attention. after some weird squabbles (and totally out-of-this-world-hilarious exchanges that i'd better not mention here anymore, hahaha), i drove besp to makati med.. with cousin doms and the rest following behind in their respective cars.

unlike a lot of people, ERs don't make me feel uncomfortable. in fact i happen to like the hospital atmosphere (umm.. i hope that doesn't sound sick to most of you, hehe - must be the reason why i love 'grey's anatomy' and 'house' so much, nyahaha).. and i kinda enjoyed staying with besp there to keep her company. since only one companion is allowed to stay with the patient, boss ran, mamaliz and nans left (after making sure we were doing fine).. and cousin doms went off to eat 'dinner' at a nearby 7-11.

after a while, there's this really cute doctor (note: i said cute.. not hot okay? :p) who came in to update us on besp's condition. he said something about her blood sugar levels.. told us that he was going to recommend that she undergo blood tests asap.. explained what these tests do.. etc. etc. he sounded very knowledgeable yet down-to-earth. he had perfect bedside manners. he was kind, reassuring and amiable. and he had a really nice voice too :)

ok, enough gushing about this cute doctor, hahaha :p

suffice it to say that by 11.15pm, i was driving besp home.. with cousin doms 'in tow' again (i'm really lucky to have such a supportive cousin. i mean that :p) i enjoyed the drive to besp's place - we chatted about lots of stuff - mainly about the cute doctor, hahaha. it feels good to drive a power-steering car, nyahaha :p

but mostly, it feels good to have helped someone in need. especially if that someone is close to you.

i just feel happy to have done a good deed.

and i feel happy that i've been of use - not just thrown aside.

and yes, the picture *does* have something to do with this post.

it's a beautiful version. and i don't think i'm sorry about it at all :p

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