Friday, June 15, 2007

rain in sunny weather

this day is sooooooooooooooooooo hot!!! darnit! i hate.. i absolutely loathe this kind of weather. it's too humid.. it makes me want to take a bath every freaking minute. grrrrrrrr.

still have my colds.. but it's not as bad as it was yesterday. that's because it's gotten worse! wahahaha. now i don't even have my voice. sheesh. it's probably because our afternoon classroom doesn't have decent fans. and what with this kind of weather and the noise of the kids.. *sigh* my poor throat doesn't stand a chance :(

but i have my raindrops. teeny-tiny drops that sort of cheer me up and put a small smile on my face. tsk tsk. too bad there isn't much of 'em to keep me really happy.

maybe in a couple of days/weeks i'll get more than just mere droplets. maybe. i'm keeping my fingers crossed..

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