Tuesday, May 15, 2007

who're we KIDding?

"there's no such thing as a grownup. we move on, we move out, we move away from our families and form our own.. but the basic insecurities, the basic fears and all those old wounds just grow up with us. we get bigger, we get taller, we get older.. but, for the most part, we're still a bunch of kids, running around the playground, trying desperately to fit in.."

another nice grey's anatomy quote.. courtesy of friend rita :)

well, i know i'm not grownup. not in my heart, at least. and probably not in my thinking either, hahaha.

who wants to be an adult anyway?!? ugh. if only we can get rid of that nasty R word. oh, you know. responsibilities. *sigh*

unfortunately, i don't think there's any getting out of adulthood once you've reached it. unless you grow senile (which, for me at least, is not a good alternative).

so i have to end this post and write down that exam for tomorrow hahahaha :p

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