Sunday, May 27, 2007

still on vacation mode

aaaaahh. still on vacation mode today :p

we had an early morning start. well, not so early for me. i woke up around 6:30am (when most of them are already up and about).. took a quick shower.. then headed out to the veranda to chat with the "oldies" hehe. (sheesh.. i always seem to find it easier to relate with the oldies than with my own peer group. why?!?!? :p)

the weather was nicely cool, as usual. (even now, as i write this, it looks as if it's going to rain again. wooohooooo!!) after eating breakfast (i really, really love the coffee!! wish we had that coffeemaking thingamajig that the sy's have..), we quickly went on our way to hear mass.

too bad, though.. coz we didn't even get to hear the homily :( we thought that mass started at 9am. but when we got there, it turns out that the schedule was 8:30-9:30am. darnit. pentecost sunday pa man din :( oh well. at least i got to visit a "new" church again :)

from church, we went to the pink sisters' convent. it's a beautiful place - well-maintained and very quiet, too. well, of course, that's to be expected, as the nuns are of the contemplative type. they are not even allowed to go out of the convent! they don't speak to anybody.. and no one's allowed to talk to them, either. day in, day out, all they do is intercede for people who are in need of God's love. that's *really* difficult. weird.. but in a way, it kinda rocks, too :p (that's definitely not the life for me, though, bwahahaha)

by the time we were through roaming the grounds of the convent, it was almost lunchtime. we then headed to tagaytay highlands. while waiting for the others (friends chris, armi and kat were to join us for lunch), we took a tour of the animal farm :) hahaha.. *that* was really fun. shobe had a blast looking at the different animals (especially the parrots.. and the tiger, hehe). i did, too. i mean, there i was, standing outside the wild boar pen.. when this boar couple started doing it right then and there. perfect timing, bwahahaha. it was hilarious.. too bad i wasn't able to take a picture.. :p (see the picture below? they're the famous couple who unabashedly did the act in front of me bwahahaha :p)

by 1pm we've successfully "walked out" all the food we ate during breakfast. and of course, that means it's time to eat again! hahaha.. so off we went to have lunch :p but not before taking some more pictures, of course, hehehe. this was taken just outside the restaurant:

and of course, this one was taken just before our food was served :) tsk tsk.. i guess it sucks to be the official photographer. you never get to be part of the picture. poor dad.. :p

anyway, it's been a great day. too bad this tagaytay trip is such a short one. hmm. maybe we should plan a longer vacation soon, hehehe.. :p

PS: check out this link. i posted a lot of pictures there, in case any of you want to see more of 'em

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