Thursday, May 24, 2007

buzzing around

busy as a bee?! nyahahaha. and certainly looking every bit as crazy as this one here :p

as soon as summer classes ended, ms joanne (of LSC) called me up to inform me that i'm scheduled to lecture for the rest of the break. (sheesh, would you believe.. my calendar is full.. until classes start on june) so i woke up early 6am to prepare for my 8am lecture at ISO bldg, ateneo. the students were from pshs (bright kids, haha).. so we ended the class early - around 11:30am.

i headed to LSC to return my materials - only to be informed that tomorrow i'm scheduled to have a *whole day* lecture. whaaaaat?!?! i didn't know!! i thought i only had an afternoon session for tomorrow. grreat.

so. i went home (cousins trishia & gabo went home with me, yay!). and decided not to go to friend johno's guitar recital at 2pm. instead, i set out to iron my clothes. a month's worth of crumpled, crinkly clothes. nyahahaha :p sheesh. household chores that piled up while i was busy making lesson plans, checking papers and writing exams haha.

ironing was never really my favorite chore (watering plants, washing dishes and doing the laundry appeal to me - anything with water, haha). so when i finished ironing (after 2 1/2 hours), i went up to my room. and SLEPT!! haha. i was soooo tired. i think ironing exhausted me even more than teaching for 4hours straight hahaha.

oh well. tomorrow's another busy day. buzz buzz. i'm just glad i'm not behind on my household chores anymore.

er.. except for tidying up my room, that is. darn it.. :p

1 comment:

DM said...

watering plants, washing dishes and doing the laundry appeal to me - anything with water, haha

perfect! I hate doing laundry...I'll fly you over here so you can do my laundry, deal? And while ironing's not my favorite, I'll do your ironing. :p