Thursday, October 26, 2006

whatta day..!

this has been one loooooooong day!! woke up early so i could come along with my dad to bring mom to the doc (her feet swell during the afternoon). we were at the clinic from 830-10am. then
we brought mom to century park hotel, manila where she attended a seminar/conference. on the way there, we were stopped by an mmda officer for some traffic "violation" we were not aware of (it was a really weird rule - probably applicable only to that spot in manila). that was when my dad found out his driver's license was expired! so after we dropped mom off at the hotel, dad and i went to farmer's cubao to have his license renewed.

the trip from manila to cubao was quite an adventure too. aside from the traffic jams we encountered, dad and i sort of got lost too.. haha. oh.. and my car (yup, we brought the old car - the lynx was being repaired) went THUD!! when dad failed to see the uncovered manhole in one of the intersections. hahahaha! we were in cubao around 12nn.

when we got to LTO farmer's branch, it was their breaktime. so we had lunch at kfc until 1pm. the queue for license renewals was soooooooo long!! so i left dad there and roamed around a bit. the picture above shows the fruits of my 4-hour walk around farmers.. bwahahahaha!!! :p

got home around 4.30pm, after i brought dad to ford libis to pick up his car. i was gonna rest a bit before going to choir prax (7pm).. but didn't really have enough time to sleep. so besp heids picked me up around 6.45pm.. and it seemed she was even more tired than i was. hahaha. that was some car ride going to st paul. we were so unusually quiet and not in the mood to talk or joke around :p

practice did wonders for our mood, though. i mean it! as soon as we got there, it was as if all our stress and tension and exhaustion just evaporated into thin air :p hahaha! (thanx to ate nene.. who's a constant source of laughs and energy, haha) we even had enough energy to go on a detour after prax just to buy some puto bumbong (highly recommended by ran, hehehe) at this tiny inconscpicuous stand somewhere in mandaluyong. we waited for about 40mins for our orders.. but it was *definitely* worth the wait :) the puto bumbong was REALLY GOOD!!! yumyumyum!! i wish i could go back there.. but i'm really not good at remembering how to get to places, hehehe :p

whew! so much for my day today. tomorrow will be another long day, i suppose. have to cram some of my checking.. then sleep at heidi's for the night.. and over the weekend we'll have our leaders' retreat.. then monday i'll have to go to school for the grades.. prax in the evening.. *sigh* it's like a 96-hour day!! hahaha. well, at least i'm all set for the weekend. packed my stuff already. hope i'm ready for "whatta weekend.." hehehehe :p

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