Tuesday, October 03, 2006

chasing rainbows II

rainbows. full of color. pretty. cheerful. sweet. nice. stuff little girls love.

well. i have another take on rainbows. they're untouchable. they're way up there in the clouds. always out of your grasp. they are said to have a "pot of gold" - but so far, only fictitious leprechauns ever gained anything from them. rainbows brighten up a gloomy day; but only for a moment. they paint the sky with bright colors.. then suddenly fade back into oblivion. rainbows are both real and unreal. totally out of reach. kinda like happiness.

so what's the point of gazing up at that rainbow? why bother reaching for something that you obviously couldn't have? why believe in something that's not going to last forever? what's the point of basking in the colorful display when you know your skies will be bleaker once it's gone?

i don't know. there's no logic in it. but it doesn't matter. after the deluge, i defiantly look up at the sky and search for my rainbow. i'm determined to find it.. and claim my pot of gold (woe to the leprechaun that gets in my way, haha) what i'll do with it once i have it, i'm not sure. all i know is that i'm chasing my rainbow. and i sure as hell am going to enjoy doing it.

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