Monday, October 23, 2006

monday ramblings

in a previous post, i included a picture similar to this one. except that the dark angel had her back turned. well, i saw this pic.. and just thought i'd post it here. hahaha. i know it's not the same angel.. but i've always wondered what she looked like up front :)
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anyway. woke up a bit late today. for some reason, i wasn't able to sleep well last night :( *sigh* well, i'm not really sad or anything. i'm just.. umm.. hmm. i dunno. clueless, i guess. hahahaha :p
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last night, my dad's cousin, tita claring died. she was diagnosed to have a tumor in her brain two years ago. we saw her condition deteriorate bit by bit. when we first visited her at the hospital, she was almost normal - able to carry on conversations, feed herself, crack jokes, etc. a couple of months later when we went to tarlac to check on her, her hair was all gone, she could barely talk, and she couldn't move around. well, that was the last time we saw her.. and last night, another of dad's cousins called up to tell us about the news.

i suppose there was a bit of relief, knowing that tita claring's gone off to a better place already. 'coz last we heard, she couldn't even eat solid food.. and she found it hard to drink. i guess, in a way, it is a great blessing to know that her suffering is at an end. still, a death in the family sucks.
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it's monday again.. start of a new week. i'll go to school later just to finish up some stuff. *sigh* i'm not exactly feeling up to it.. and i've not finished checking all the papers yet.. but i'll have go go there just the same.

then tonight we'll have choir practice.. and sing at the wake of fr. avellana at st. paul. in a weird way, i'm not looking forward to that either. *sigh* this is going to be a loooooong week..

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