Friday, July 14, 2006

my day starts at 4pm

hmmm.. tuesdays and fridays are weird days for me. my classes officially start at 1pm.. though my 1-2.30 class is handled by my student teacher; so i don't personally teach them.

my first class is geometry (section calcium), 4-5.30pm. and that also happens to be the last period of the students. hahahaha. sheesh. my first class is the last class of the day. great.

i was feeling so "sunshiny" in the gloomy weather (yeah, yeah.. you should know by now.. i looooove the rain) so i took some pix of my class doing their group activity :p these are all candid shots by the way :p

hmm. anyway, i thought i wouldn't be able to make it to choir prax tonight (coding ang kotse eh.. traffic pa sa makati pag friday night :p). but at the last minute, bestfriend heidi called to tell me she'd pick me up :) yipee! free ride.. and great company hehe :p

thank goodness i was able to attend prax. boss rannie taught us "light of a million mornings" and it was really great!! ü i just looooooove that song ü but it's a really difficult piece (kawawa ang mga soprano 1.. hehehe); and you always get that nervous feeling everytime you're about to sing it. it's one of those songs that you know you're just NOT supposed to mess up :p

well, thank God cousin almi, dyanne and yeye (the S1 trio :p) were able to sing the song really well. felt like we were in heaven during prax. er.. except for the fact that boss rannie was grumpier than usual, hehe. i suppose that's to be expected, though, coz he's usually that way when he's teaching a difficult piece :p

we (meaning i, bestfriend heidi, cousin dom, mama nona and france) were so hungry after choir prax that we just had to drop by chowking shaw to grab a bite to eat :) it was fun hanging out with sis nona for a change :p

it's been a looong day today. i'm tired.. but feeling accomplished. sort of :p my day may start at 4pm.. but it ends now hehehe :)

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