Wednesday, July 26, 2006

my campus tour

my wednesday morning started out beautifully grey and gloomy-sad. perfect with a soft drizzle of rain ü i woke up feeling wonderful (i had a really great dream last night - but that's another story altogether).. in spite of the fact that i was quite exhausted after our recording session. ahhh.. nothing like a dull, drab morning to brighten my day hahaha :p

anyway, we had a department meeting at the elementary building this morning. i went with my dad to school.. and was pleasantly surprised to see that the campus was so.. green! ü the trees were so alive with foliage and the grass at the oval was so thick ü it seemed as if everywhere i look, there's a spot of green to be found. hahahahaha. i missed UP. i seldom get the time to walk around the campus.. so i just enjoyed going around the (almost) empty streets this morning üüü

call me a sentimental fool.. but just seeing the campus this way.. especially on a rainy day.. with barely any activity going on.. well, it just makes my heart skip a beat :) i suppose i can describe it as a 'romantic' feeling ü

oh, this brings about so many memories for me - both happy and sad. i guess that's why i loved my 'morning campus tour' today. i'm in a reminiscing mood this time. it's been a year. a lot has happened. i still say it's good to look back.. if only to see where i now stand.

i am the same person.. yet so radically different. and though life is sometimes so full of crap.. at times like this, i am reminded that there are so many hidden treasures just waiting to be discovered. yup.. life, with all its ups and downs.. its joys, tears, celebrations and hearbreaks.. is still beautiful ü

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